Friday, March 15, 2013

WiFi....then Wi Not??

Traveled in a compartment (perhaps a train) with about 80% software professionals. WiFi in trains may be an opportunity to utilize the idle wo(man) hours for perhaps nations good. I feel majority of them carry their laptops with them too. Just as we can mention whether a doctor or not, in irctc website, while booking (oops after booking, considering the booking rush), it could be mentioned whether a IT professional or not. Work could be perhaps utilized for rural development activities and rewards could be a free IRCTC train ticket for every 40 hrs worked. There is a sense of satisfaction and also huge loads of team work involved I suppose, if we have such a venture.

Dear MBA friends of mine, get some business plan for the same and add on with your views.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Politically tense!!

Travelling alone in a bus, I always think of weird things...

Two politically sensitive issues have their prototypes in long distance semi sleeper buses...

Prerequisite: Window seat and aisle seat passengers could be regarded as two different states...

A. The window seat passenger always has the upper hand in controlling the incoming air flow. This could affect the aisle seat passenger. Relate this with the kaveri water problem, mullaperiyar issue or Indo-China water diplomacy. There have been strains between me and my co passengers on numerous occasions. So no wonder the states quarrel each other over the natural resources...

B. The common hand rest for the window seater and aisle seater also provides another interesting political scenario. It is very difficult to partition it and there usually will be silent fights over this piece of 'land' particularly at night between the right hand of one and left hand of the other passenger. No marks for guessing where I am going to relate this to... :)

Fighting continues between me and my aisle co mate...